Dumbstart's Daily Apple Newton

Serving up Newton news and software for 12 months and counting, thanks for your support to every one of the 7000 visitors.

Thursday, September 30, 2004

did I propose?

If you are wondering that let me clear it up for you rather quickly, I did propose. To my most wonderful girlfriend (read as fiancee now) and I have been together for over three years and I've finally decided to step up to the plate and make the leap to take the plunge. I'm going to join to ranks of the Young Married People Society of South Texas (YMPSST). I've been keeping tabs on what I've been up to at another site (that she was unaware of) http://engaged.dumbstart.com and welcome one and all to visit and read about our most splendid adventure on the road of life.

Now if I can just get the grooms cake to be in shape of an Apple Newton, then my geek-transformation will be complete.

Wednesday, September 29, 2004

almost four years ago to the day.

With all the excitement about Einstein and the hope of the Newton's resurrection lets not forget the forefathers of the Newton emulator. The first of which is David Arnold the man behind the Gnuton project. Written in python, tested on Windows 95, Windows NT, and Unix (surprisingly no Mac testing was done) able to startup enough to realize that it doesn't have any storage and then ask you if you'd like to initialize the card.

What a nice idea to reformat my PC from NTFS to NOS 1.X, it would drive me crazy that every file would have .NWT extension at least I'd be able to open my names folder with my Media Player while selecting Fax recipients to receive my Work internet setup. What a wonderful world that would be.

Unfortunately the Gnuton project fell silent almost four years ago to the day. With the release of 0.1.7 (very close to a point.2 release) the project shut it's doors without a sound. It's strange how the status page of the project could almost be considered the forebearer of the modern day blog, what a forward thinking he was. For that reason, David I salute you for attempting to breath life back into a platform that we all love dearly and I speak for Newton users everywhere when I say thanks for trying.

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

even Wired loves the Newton.

I'm going to file this in better late than never but for the two or three of you who haven't seen the Newton article at Wired should check it out for a quick recap of the mainstream media's look at the continuing life of the Newton. The Einstein emulator is certainly stiring up some news of late (I can't remember as much being said about the Newton since Newtendo was making the rounds.

Ah, Newtendo, I had a friend recently ask me if I still owned a Nintendo, I should have told him about the portable one that I still use to this day. He probably wouldn't have believed me that it did play games even if I proved it to him by getting an amazing score on R.C. Pro Am. Which by the way is the most fun you can have on a Newton semi-legally.

My suggestions for playing R.C. Pro Am are to use the "Hold A" button to continuiously press the gas and slow the game speed down a little, it's not the first time but it is certainly amazing that the Newton actually runs the game a little too fast. I was thinking that it would be something else to try and do a time attack to beat Metroid in under an hour on a PDA that's been canceled for quite a few years.

Monday, September 27, 2004

how Apple works.

I'm certain if you were to replace a few words (most likely the word iPod) in this article with the word Newton then you'd have a timeline that would be near and dear to our PDA populace. One day I'm certain this kind of fervor will apply to the World Wide Newton Conference when Paul Guyot releases Einstein to the masses.

I'm going to work on more regular updates to the site in between Newtonscript development, job searches, and my recent propsal. Recently a lot of people have been looking for more and more news concerning the Newton and all of it's development.

Still have gmail invites, anyone interested?

Thursday, September 16, 2004

giving it all away.

Strange how when I offered free gmail invites on my site I didn't have one single response, but when you list something like that on Newtontalk, the whole world wants to be your friend. If anyone is interested in an invite drop a comment on this message and you will be first in line to join the ranks of the elite (elite being people who don't have to add creative numbers to the end of their user name to pick one that works) at Gmail.
Also, I've finally set my computer up to program my Newton again. I've started working on nControl (since I always wanted to finish that program completely) but I've lost a few of the layouts (which is to be said for most of my programs) and I'm having to rebuild quite a bit before I can actually move ahead. Still, look for a new release of something somewhere sometime soon.

Friday, September 03, 2004

Just Can't Do It

Has anyone actually tried to use a pda as a real computer? It just can't/won't work. You can't browse sites In a timely manner, it's very hard to install software, and handwriting recognition makes entering text much harder than it should be for typing web addresses.
Things I do love about the Newton; RSS reader, Super Notepad, registered WaveLAN drivers, and especially nBlog. It's made the Newton more useful than any other PDA I could have tried this experiment with. Thankfully my computer is up and running again and I have the itch to develop once more. What to develop? Who Knows. Whatever it is I'm certain it won't rival the fame of Rush Hour.

I'll let you know what I start on as soon as I figure out what that is.