Dumbstart's Daily Apple Newton

Serving up Newton news and software for 12 months and counting, thanks for your support to every one of the 7000 visitors.

Saturday, June 26, 2004

finally something to post.

I'm uploading the latest version of nControl. You can track your nutrients on a meal-by-meal basis, if you are low on time just rate your meal and nControl will automatically generate nutritional content based on your preferences. You can add specific food items and restaurant items that can be used over and over to make it easier when to enter foods you eat regularly. I'm working on implementing Intelligent Assist to make it even easier to enter your meals nutritional content. I'm working on creating icons for the program and have momentarily added in some icons as place holders until they are complete.

Please enjoy, I'm going to post the source code very soon in hopes of helping those Windows NTK programmers out there looking for a good starting point for Newtonscript development.

Also, check out Planks (now with more levels), Hopper (with some optimizations), and Jumble (now with more words). Unfortunately Jumble and Planks are still works in progress and will be finished someday. Hope you enjoy the updates.

Sunday, June 20, 2004

trading away gmail accounts.

Here are just three of the swaps that I've made for GMail invites thanks to gmailswap.com. I've been trading away mostly for pictures of the person riding a cow about to make a touch down for the Soviet Olympic Football team. As if there was such a thing. Enjoy the look. If you have a picture of yourself with your Apple Newton I may be willing to trade an invite to you (I would have you submit the picture of you with your Newton to the Newtons Around the World gallery at the Newted community. Enjoy the cows scoring goals.

Thursday, June 17, 2004

sorry for the delay.

A friend came to visit for a while and I had to take some time out of my normal schedule to remind her of how wonderful San Antonio, Texas is (she moved back to her home town outside of Chicago) and showing a person all the fun to be had in Texas takes up most of your free time. I'm back, and I'm starting to work on some things and update others, the next three people who leave a comment about one of my programs (be it good or bad) and would like an invite to gmail will get one. Look for updates in the near future.

Friday, June 04, 2004

heading off to vegas.

In case anyone is heading off to Vegas, remember this; if you don't plan to win, you're planning to lose. For that reason I've written a program that simulates Video Poker, in this first release it takes advantage of the Newton TextToSpeech extensions and keeps track of winnings starting you out at a very generous $1000. I'm going to work on creating a group of programs that uses one profile between multiple bidding programs, to simulate the Vegas gambling experience. I'll even throw in the ever-useful ATM as well as a place to sell your plane tickets for gambling cash to make it a complete Vegas experience. It'll be a little while but I'm working on adding strategy tips and advice, to help you hone your game to a sharp edge. Once I've done that I'm going to add in different options for different pay-out schedules to simulate the different Video Poker games found. Any feedback would be appreciated and help in making the next release come alot sooner.

Look for an updated version of nControl very soon, I'm setting up the advanced sections so you can add your own food items and the restaurant section to allow you to add specific restaurant items. This way you will only have to sort through items that are relevant to you, instead of sorting through every food item ever. I'm looking into adding Weight Watchers points and Fiber thanks to some feedback received from a user, but I'm still looking for more insight from nControl users, so speak out if you have any good ideas.