Dumbstart's Daily Apple Newton

Serving up Newton news and software for 12 months and counting, thanks for your support to every one of the 7000 visitors.

Sunday, January 30, 2005

thanks to all.

Hard to believe that I started this site 12 months ago. Almost 7000 visitors, countless hours of Newtonscript programming, checking for that elusive episode of Sabrina the Teenage Witch, and trying to follow up on all the Newton news that is fit to blog.

Thanks to all for following along with me and let's hope that it continues for another year.

Saturday, January 29, 2005

why yes it can read.

When you mention eBook's don't forget about the Newton. Turns out Cory Doctorow from the EFF made sure to point out the Newton is still viable; especially when it comes to eBooks (check here, here, and here).

Monday, January 24, 2005

i saw this on enterprise once.

Looks like 2010 isn't the end of the Newton, seems like in the mid 22nd century they are using Newton(like) devices. Well, once you change a blue to green at least.

Pretty soon geeking out on the Newton won't be syncing information through a built-in Bluetooth connection, running a few experiments using eProbe, or even playing 3-D rendered racing games like Orb Racer. But geeking out will be talking about Star Trek and your Apple Newton for extended periods of time. Much like I realize that I'm doing now. Here's the picture. . .

Saturday, January 22, 2005

i'm sending out an S.O.S.

I'd like to extend a heartfelt thanks to the people who voted for me over at This Old Newt but I still need your help. If you've ever used Rush Hour (as it appears is one of the more popular programs of mine) then do both of us a favor and add another vote for it.

Look at me campaign for an award with no perceived value outside of a few select users of the most advanced 16-color PDA ever developed.

Thursday, January 06, 2005

Would we love it as much if they were still here?

An excellent idea, would we love the Newton as much if they were still around? If everyone had one would we just sit around and bash it much like those Mac fanatics.

An excellent read at The Guardian for anyone who might be interested. Lots of great insight into the rumored sub-$500 dollar mac to be announced at the upcoming Mac Expo.

Tuesday, January 04, 2005


Okay, so the Newton lives through Einstein? Now if I just felt as though I had a "fast" mac. If anyone has gotten Einstein running care to leave a comment about their system specs?

Thanks goes out to Paul Guyot for the development and recent screenshots of this amazing feat of Newton history.

Monday, January 03, 2005

Time to vote

Could you show some support for my labours of love? By that I mean This Old Newt has started their voting for the 2004 Newtie Awards. I'm not asking for a win, I'm just asking for some small recognition. Personally if I weren't myself I would have voted for Newtendo but I do love myself enough to try and vote for me. I actually voted for "Select an option" or something very similar.

I heard Puff Daddy was trying to drum up support for the Newtie Award vote this year through his follow up effort to "Vote or Die", with the new slogan, "If you are still alive after this last vote, you need to vote again or die." That P. Diddy, he's a big Newton lover I hear.