Dumbstart's Daily Apple Newton

Serving up Newton news and software for 12 months and counting, thanks for your support to every one of the 7000 visitors.

Sunday, October 10, 2004

i have decided!

Well, I think that I've decided on newtonscribe.com for the new site name. I just want to make it a site name that describes what the site actually is instead of what I purchased on a spur of the moment choice at the register.com website. I'll start the process this weekend (since I'll have a little more free time then) and hopfully be finished by Sunday. I'm going to upload the latest version of my Newtonscript tutorial and the latest versions of quite a bit of my software (which I've been working to update off and on over the past few weeks). I'm going to extend a few hands out to the Newton community at large to put together some Newtonscript tutorials as well. I'd like to make a nice home to the development and extension of the Newton OS for years to come (until the year 2010 at least).

Great news, Newtendo is still alive, and Eagan wants a Newtie and I wish him the best of luck in his endeavor. Especially if that means more Newtendo goodness. I'm still playing R.C. ProAm when I'm alone with my Newton.

Is there any reason why Apple doesn't have newtonscript.com anyhow? I'm afraid to incur the wrath of the most beloved/hated company in America. Any input, should/could I take newtonscript.com?

Tuesday, October 05, 2004

name change perhaps?

I want to release my latest rewrite of the Newtonscript tutorial but before I do I am thinking about a more Newton sounding name than dumbstart. Which isn't Newton related at all. I'm leaning toward Newtonscripture, or Newtonscriptor, since I would like to base a lot of my site on the Newtonscript programs that I write and other Newton programming related items. Anyone have a better suggestion, I was even thinking of applenewtons.info, very Newton sounding isn't it. Newtonextras.com, thebackdrop.net, the list goes on. Does anyone have a suggestion. I will happily consider all options (no matter how bad or pun-like they may be). Thanks for reading and I look forward to reading some great ideas.

Friday, October 01, 2004

i decided to start up something new.

I just started work on a new Newton game, it's called, The Hero. It's a simple RPG with lots of story behind it. Why not, since the most RPG you can really play is dragon warrior (thanks again Newtendo) and that's only with a keyboard. You create a character answer some background questions and then you are off to do something (mainly based on your background questions) whether it be good or not good (but not bad either). Make some money, find a new sword, just walk around, maybe even avenge your parents deaths (or go after them for asking too much of you). I'm certain that at this point I'm getting too ambitious but I was tired of working on nControl and wanted to make a simple Newton game again. I'm including a picture (forgive the despicable MS Paint graphics, I'm not an artist) of the game in the earliest stages.

Enjoy. Also, look for an updated version of nControl soon (pick what nutritional values you track, easier count entry, and updated graphics hopfully) at this location.