Dumbstart's Daily Apple Newton

Serving up Newton news and software for 12 months and counting, thanks for your support to every one of the 7000 visitors.

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Time for school

What a great school York University, if you take enough time to scroll down you see that a required reading for the course Consumer Behavior is the paper "Religiosity in the Abandoned Apple Newton Brand Community", great class huh? I can vouch I'd at least attend class for a single day.

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

the TDA is the new Newton.

When it comes to the Newton there will always be something new that will bring back feelings of the first time you saw the Newton. This may be the device for quite a few people. It's just hard to imagine how you would type out someone's contact information with such a novel interface. Read the review of the Jackito at Bona Fide Reviews.
The Jackito is entirely customizable you can choose between add-ons like internal MP3 player, FM radio, microphone, headset, Bluetooth, solar battery charger and much more [...]
Sounds like it has a lot of capabilities that the Newton has as well as a few new features (as did the Newton) especially the thumb-interface.

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

a little history involving the Newton.

Want a good read about the PDA OSes of the past visit Tech News World and read the article here. A mention about Apple's "failed" Newton PDA as something other than the first real PDA. Almost a mention that it tried to compete with Palm and Pocket PC? Huh?
For a while, manufacturers were split into two main camps after Psion (the people who brought us Epoc, which is now called Symbian) left the foray: Palm OS and Pocket PC. And after the failed attempt by Apple (Nasdaq: AAPL) (Apple Newton Messagepad), Palm OS dominated the PDA OS scene for a long while.
Why does it seem the author is using a distorted timeline? Hmm, more research indeed, if any one can comment with specific dates please do.

Monday, March 07, 2005

more newton pictures

A while back I saw an episode of The Outer Limits that featured a 2X00 Newton in a stand-out supporting role. I was able to take a quick screen capture and posted it on my website quite a while back (check the archives if you're interested). I was flipping channels again and saw the same episode and decided to take a few more pictures for the Newton wiki archives.

Now if I can just get that episode of Sabrina, the Teenage Witch. I'm also thinking about picking up a copy of Batman and Robin. For research of course. Just research.

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

what's the difference.

Ever wanted to know the differences between the different PDA Operating Systems? Find out at Red Nova where they mention the Newton as being the forefather of the Palm OS. Just not in the most positive of lights.

And after the failed attempt by Apple (Apple Newton Messagepad), Palm OS dominated the PDA OS scene for a long while.
Still worth reading as a short history of PDAs.