Dumbstart's Daily Apple Newton

Serving up Newton news and software for 12 months and counting, thanks for your support to every one of the 7000 visitors.

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

oh well, after 5 years it still wins.

The 2004 Newtie award winners have been announced and . . . I didn't win. That's okay, I got a few votes and I lost to the iron giant - Deep Green (an excellent program indeed - great work Joachim Bondo). Deep Green has been a winner for five years in a row, how could I have even thought I could win. Very discouraging.

Congrats to the winners though especially Newtendo (a must have for your Newton adventures) and Paul Guyot (who has been very helpful in my Newton endeavours). Thanks for the votes and check back in next year for the 2005 Newtie awards where I hope to walk away with the iron giant's crown.

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

tutorials anyone?

Speaking with a Newtontalk member off list I decided that maybe I should continue my mini-review / how-to guide for Newton adventures (you may remember Flash Card or Common Words) but I'd like to hear some suggestions / submissions for what people are looking to do or have done with their Newton. It would be nice to leave instructions for those Newton users who will follow our steps so if you have the know-how then put together some simple instructions so you can share the wealth. I'm going to lead the way with an as-yet-undecided guide though. Check back in the next few days to hopfully learn something new.

Email me with any submissions at dumbstart@gmail.com. Hopfully I can get a couple of readers out there to contribute the community as a whole.