
All the Apple Newton Green news that's fit to Blog.

Tuesday, October 05, 2004

name change perhaps?

I want to release my latest rewrite of the Newtonscript tutorial but before I do I am thinking about a more Newton sounding name than dumbstart. Which isn't Newton related at all. I'm leaning toward Newtonscripture, or Newtonscriptor, since I would like to base a lot of my site on the Newtonscript programs that I write and other Newton programming related items. Anyone have a better suggestion, I was even thinking of applenewtons.info, very Newton sounding isn't it. Newtonextras.com, thebackdrop.net, the list goes on. Does anyone have a suggestion. I will happily consider all options (no matter how bad or pun-like they may be). Thanks for reading and I look forward to reading some great ideas.


At 8:20 PM, Splorp! said...

How about... "Tapping this does nothing" ?

Ha! That's a good one!

Newtonextras.com has a nice ring to it, but I really like the 'scripture' part of Newtonscripture. Why not simply use Newtonscript.com/.org/.net/.info - any one of them, as they are all available.


At 5:04 PM, Anonymous said...

Wonder if you'd have any problems from Apple if you were to use Newtonscript.com, it is available so they must not care too very much about it. I like newtonscripture but I think thenewton.net would be a good one and it's also available.


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