Paul Guyot has taken over the LPR printer driver started by Eckhart Koeppen. He has released a new version with a lot new features.
Newton dose

You know you need it.
Monday, May 10, 2004
Victor Rehorst started a thread at NTLK asking for different annoyances that he'd like to see fixed in the NewtonOS.
I took the challenge and made a couple of extensions, hacks mostly, to alleviate the problems.
The first, ShowOwnerInfo, will open the owner info to the detailed view, instead of the overview, it saves a couple of taps when editing the owner info preferences.
The second one, AutoCloseNotif, will close the Notification windows and the card slips automatically after a soft reset. Useful when you have a Newton web server, that sometimes reboots itself, and want the newton screen clean for those screen shots, NPDS can take.
Both come with Source Code for WinNTK.
The first program, ImageInBox, merges the functionality of the Mail V Image Stationery with the OBex receiving features of Neo, Nitro, Blunt, and IC/VC. In this release, it allows you to view JPEG and GIF files received via OBex in the inbox, rotation, zoom, scroll, etc are part of the Image Stationery features.
It will allow to view the rest of image formats, like PNG, TIFF and PICT in a second release.