Mr PCBman is going to build audio dongles. That's great. Good quality at good prices and the best service. But he can't reveal his source for the Newton connector. Cool.
Vitor Rehorst has reinstalled his WikiWikiNewt. A great place to post your tips or write a bit of newton history. I love how Victor has explained what a Newton is.
He has started a Newton Newbie's guide too.
The first Pittsburg Newton Users Group meeting will take place, er, today, at Starbucks in Shadyside-730 Copeland St-Pittsburgh, PA 15232. We want pictures! :-)
Brian Olgivie has released Holidays 2003, a freeware newton package the will add "the major civil, Christian, Jewish, Islamic, UK Banking, and just plain fun holidays to your Newton". Thanks Brian!
Newton dose

You know you need it.
Tuesday, December 17, 2002
Sunday, December 15, 2002
John Anderson has created a forum for discussing about his NewtSync application. You can even create a poll for users to vote on features, etc.
A couple of photo albums from last the Michigan newton users meeting.
One of the two Brians has found what seems to be a Newton InterConnect connector replacement in some kind of adapter. This is very good news, as development for any kind of newton accesory en masse was not possible since the original connectors were almost impossible to find. We are waiting for more details!
Joshua Hillmann is trying to start a new forum at MacAddict. He will post a poll, so he needs you to go and vote for it. We want to see the newton everywhere, right?
Victor Rehorst has finished his LaunchRSS plug-in for Newtscape. It works great! Thanks Victor!