Dumbstart's Daily Apple Newton

Serving up Newton news and software for 12 months and counting, thanks for your support to every one of the 7000 visitors.

Friday, March 26, 2004

any suggestions?

I'm looking for suggestions for additional stats to track with nControl. As of this writing I have calories, fat, carbs, and sodium. I was thinking of adding fiber and saturated fat, allowing you to choose exactly which nutritional content to track on your own. I will hopefully have a release for later next week, so start looking forward to changing your life once again using your Apple Newton.

This is the first time I've done this, but I'm going to try and find the good news and bad news of the moment for the Apple Newton. Today, I'll start off simply with the Newton revival which is an often talked about, always prayed for, but has yet to happen moment.

Good News - Apple prototypes making the rounds
Bad News - Apple prototypes not making the rounds

It's good or bad depending on who you believe. Let's all say a quiet word for the passing of the Newton OS and hope that it will live to see a new life in today's world. At the very least, that developers will still continue to strive for the best and make the Newton easy to sync to your home computer, cell phone, laptop, and wireless access point. Dare to dream that I could eat a Krystal Chili Cheese Pup and surf the web wirelessly on my Apple Newton.

If you have any good news or bad news links, email me at dumbstart@satx.rr.com. I'd love to hear some good news for the Newton community, of course it would have to be served with some bad news, no yen without yang, no handwriting recognition without a mispelled word, no Public television without People Like You.