
All the Apple Newton Green news that's fit to Blog.

Sunday, February 08, 2004

Clean up traffic with your Newton.

Some of you may know this, but a while back I tried starting up a Newton programming group, it didn't work out as well as I hoped. I posted as much information as I could, including all the source code and programs I wrote, as well as any programming related file I could find, but it never garnered much attention. Part of the reason I'm certain of is that most of the people reading don't have Yahoo! accounts (which they now require to view group information) so I'm going to move a good deal of the info to this site, beginning with the game Rush Hour.

Rush Hour has a simple prospect, move cars out of the way to allow you to reach the exit. The catch is cars can only move backwards and forwards, work your way up thru the levels and see if you can do it in as few moves a possible.

Rush Hour Package, Source Code, the zipped project files.

Hope you enjoy, I have a later version that I'm just finishing up, look for it in the near future. And you can find the link to the Yahoo! group on the right hand side, originalgreentablet. Feel free to join up, lots of great Newton programming documentation and files are still available. Please leave any comments about Rush Hour at the link below.