A happy Frank Gruendel announced that David Watson (aka Dr. Newton) finally told him where the most common MP130 problem is. He made a great page with instructions on how to repair them.
http://www.pda-soft.de/mp130fixes.htmll Thanks Frank!
We had a post in spanish. It made me think again why didn't Apple made some efforts to target the spanish speaking world. The Newton OS was released in English, Japanese, German and French. I know we are not the first consumers of technology, but there are 250 millions people in the world who speak Spanish as their mother tongue. It's almost an official language in the US. Another strange move in the Newton History, IMO. A secret: Did you know that there *is* a Spanish recognition dictionary? Guess who made it?
Doesn't it look like they're selling newtons and memory cards here?
I think I found how to make the JPEG NetHopper plug-in more independent. I'll have to discuss with Steve, maybe a small registration fee for his JPEGConvert?
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