// Text of project C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\My Downloads\Newton\Programming\Newton Projects\Mines\bomb\bomb.NTK written on: 11/04/03 21:33:12 // Beginning of file bomb.lyt Main := { eight: BuildPictureViewSlot({ imageFile4: "eight.bmp", maskOption: 0}), allBoxes: nil, ViewSetupDoneScript: func() begin totalBombs:=10; flagsLeft:=totalBombs; SetValue(flagNumber,'text,NumberStr(flagsLeft)); bombBoxes:=[]; allBoxes:=[box11,box12,box13,box14,box15,box16,box17,box18,box19, box21,box22,box23,box24,box25,box26,box27,box28,box29, box31,box32,box33,box34,box35,box36,box37,box38,box39, box41,box42,box43,box44,box45,box46,box47,box48,box49, box51,box52,box53,box54,box55,box56,box57,box58,box59, box61,box62,box63,box64,box65,box66,box67,box68,box69, box71,box72,box73,box74,box75,box76,box77,box78,box79, box81,box82,box83,box84,box85,box86,box87,box88,box89, box91,box92,box93,box94,box95,box96,box97,box98,box99]; firstBox:=1; //Setup adjacent boxes box11.next:=[box12,box22,box21]; box12.next:=[box11,box21,box22,box23,box13]; box13.next:=[box12,box22,box23,box24,box14]; box14.next:=[box13,box23,box24,box25,box15]; box15.next:=[box14,box24,box25,box26,box16]; box16.next:=[box15,box25,box26,box27,box17]; box17.next:=[box16,box26,box27,box28,box18]; box18.next:=[box17,box27,box28,box29,box19]; box19.next:=[box18,box28,box29]; box21.next:=[box11,box12,box22,box32,box31]; box22.next:=[box21,box31,box32,box33,box23,box11,box12,box13]; box23.next:=[box22,box32,box33,box34,box24,box12,box13,box14]; box24.next:=[box23,box33,box34,box35,box25,box13,box14,box15]; box25.next:=[box24,box34,box35,box36,box26,box14,box15,box16]; box26.next:=[box25,box35,box36,box37,box27,box15,box16,box17]; box27.next:=[box26,box36,box37,box38,box28,box16,box17,box18]; box28.next:=[box27,box37,box38,box39,box29,box17,box18,box19]; box29.next:=[box19,box18,box28,box38,box39]; box31.next:=[box21,box22,box32,box42,box41]; box32.next:=[box31,box41,box42,box43,box33,box21,box22,box23]; box33.next:=[box32,box42,box43,box44,box34,box22,box23,box24]; box34.next:=[box33,box43,box44,box45,box35,box23,box24,box25]; box35.next:=[box34,box44,box45,box46,box36,box24,box25,box26]; box36.next:=[box35,box45,box46,box47,box37,box25,box26,box27]; box37.next:=[box36,box46,box47,box48,box38,box26,box27,box28]; box38.next:=[box37,box47,box48,box49,box39,box27,box28,box29]; box39.next:=[box29,box28,box38,box48,box49]; box41.next:=[box31,box32,box42,box52,box51]; box42.next:=[box41,box51,box52,box53,box43,box31,box32,box33]; box43.next:=[box42,box52,box53,box54,box44,box32,box33,box34]; box44.next:=[box43,box53,box54,box55,box45,box33,box34,box35]; box45.next:=[box44,box54,box55,box56,box46,box34,box35,box36]; box46.next:=[box45,box55,box56,box57,box47,box35,box36,box37]; box47.next:=[box46,box56,box57,box58,box48,box36,box37,box38]; box48.next:=[box47,box57,box58,box59,box49,box37,box38,box39]; box49.next:=[box39,box38,box48,box58,box59]; box51.next:=[box41,box42,box52,box62,box61]; box52.next:=[box51,box61,box62,box63,box53,box41,box42,box43]; box53.next:=[box52,box62,box63,box64,box54,box42,box43,box44]; box54.next:=[box53,box63,box64,box65,box55,box43,box44,box45]; box55.next:=[box54,box64,box65,box66,box56,box44,box45,box46]; box56.next:=[box55,box65,box66,box67,box57,box45,box46,box47]; box57.next:=[box56,box66,box67,box68,box58,box46,box47,box48]; box58.next:=[box57,box67,box68,box69,box59,box47,box48,box49]; box59.next:=[box49,box48,box58,box68,box69]; box61.next:=[box51,box52,box62,box72,box71]; box62.next:=[box61,box71,box72,box73,box63,box51,box52,box53]; box63.next:=[box62,box72,box73,box74,box64,box52,box53,box54]; box64.next:=[box63,box73,box74,box75,box65,box53,box54,box55]; box65.next:=[box64,box74,box75,box76,box66,box54,box55,box56]; box66.next:=[box65,box75,box76,box77,box67,box55,box56,box57]; box67.next:=[box66,box76,box77,box78,box68,box56,box57,box58]; box68.next:=[box67,box77,box78,box79,box69,box57,box58,box59]; box69.next:=[box59,box58,box68,box78,box79]; box71.next:=[box61,box62,box72,box82,box81]; box72.next:=[box71,box81,box82,box83,box73,box61,box62,box63]; box73.next:=[box72,box82,box83,box84,box74,box62,box63,box64]; box74.next:=[box73,box83,box84,box85,box75,box63,box64,box65]; box75.next:=[box74,box84,box85,box86,box76,box64,box65,box66]; box76.next:=[box75,box85,box86,box87,box77,box65,box66,box67]; box77.next:=[box76,box86,box87,box88,box78,box66,box67,box68]; box78.next:=[box77,box87,box88,box89,box79,box67,box68,box69]; box79.next:=[box69,box68,box78,box88,box89]; box81.next:=[box71,box72,box82,box92,box91]; box82.next:=[box81,box91,box92,box93,box83,box71,box72,box73]; box83.next:=[box82,box92,box93,box94,box84,box72,box73,box74]; box84.next:=[box83,box93,box94,box95,box85,box73,box74,box75]; box85.next:=[box84,box94,box95,box96,box86,box74,box75,box76]; box86.next:=[box85,box95,box96,box97,box87,box75,box76,box77]; box87.next:=[box86,box96,box97,box98,box88,box76,box77,box78]; box88.next:=[box87,box97,box98,box99,box89,box77,box78,box79]; box89.next:=[box79,box78,box88,box98,box99]; box91.next:=[box92,box82,box81]; box92.next:=[box91,box81,box82,box83,box93]; box93.next:=[box92,box82,box83,box84,box94]; box94.next:=[box93,box83,box84,box85,box95]; box95.next:=[box94,box84,box85,box86,box96]; box96.next:=[box95,box85,box86,box87,box97]; box97.next:=[box96,box86,box87,box88,box98]; box98.next:=[box97,box87,box88,box89,box99]; box99.next:=[box98,box88,box89]; end;, totalBombs: nil, viewFormat: 67109458, ViewQuitScript: // must return the value of inherited:?ViewQuitScript() func() begin allBoxes:=nil; inherited:?ViewQuitScript(); end, five: BuildPictureViewSlot({ imageFile4: "five.bmp", maskOption: 0}), viewFlags: 1, firstBox: nil, flagBomb: nil, four: BuildPictureViewSlot({ imageFile4: "four.bmp", maskOption: 0}), viewBounds: {left: 25, top: 22, right: 191, bottom: 231}, flagsLeft: nil, three: BuildPictureViewSlot({ imageFile4: "three.bmp", maskOption: 0}), checkWin: func() begin winTotal:=0; foreach bombBox in allBoxes do begin if bombBox.flagged and bombBox.isBomb then begin winTotal:=winTotal + 1; end; end; if winTotal = totalBombs then begin hasWon:=1; :bombPop(); end; flagBomb:=nil; end;, two: BuildPictureViewSlot({ imageFile4: "two.bmp", maskOption: 0}), viewJustify: 0, checkFlag: func() begin if flagged and flagBomb then begin SetValue(self,'icon,back); flagsLeft:=flagsLeft + 1; SetValue(flagNumber,'text,NumberStr(flagsLeft)); flagged:=nil; end; else if flagBomb then begin SetValue(self,'icon,flagIcon); flagsLeft:=flagsLeft - 1; SetValue(flagNumber,'text,NumberStr(flagsLeft)); flagged:=1; end; end;, one: BuildPictureViewSlot({ imageFile4: "one.bmp", maskOption: 0}), bombPop: func() begin foreach nonBox in allBoxes do begin newIcon:=:iconToChangeTo(nonBox.value); if nonBox.flagged then begin if nonBox.value = nil then begin end; end; else SetValue(nonBox,'icon,newIcon); end; endBox:Open(); end;, zeroBoxes: func() begin SetValue(self,'icon,nil); foreach sideBox in self.emptyNext do begin foreach newSideBox in sideBox.Next do if newSideBox.isBomb then begin totalOfBox:=totalOfBox + 1; :changeBox(totalOfBox); end; end; end, declareSelf: 'base, back: BuildPictureViewSlot({ imageFile4: "back.bmp", maskOption: 0}), hasWon: nil, checkBoxValue: func(theBox) begin local totalValue:=0; foreach surroundingBox in theBox.Next do begin if surroundingBox.isBomb then totalValue:=totalValue + 1; end; return totalValue; end;, six: BuildPictureViewSlot({ imageFile4: "six.bmp", maskOption: 0}), changeBox: func(totalBombs,boxChosen) begin if totalBombs=nil then begin SetValue(boxChosen,'icon,bomb); :bombPop(); end; if totalBombs=0 then begin SetValue(boxChosen,'icon,nil); foreach surroundingBox in self.Next do begin surroundingBox.clicked:=1; newIcon:=:iconToChangeTo(surroundingBox.value); SetValue(surroundingBox,'icon,newIcon); end; end; if totalBombs=1 then SetValue(boxChosen,'icon,one); if totalBombs=2 then SetValue(boxChosen,'icon,two); if totalBombs=3 then SetValue(boxChosen,'icon,three); if totalBombs=4 then SetValue(boxChosen,'icon,four); if totalBombs=5 then SetValue(boxChosen,'icon,five); if totalBombs=6 then SetValue(boxChosen,'icon,six); if totalBombs=7 then SetValue(boxChosen,'icon,seven); if totalBombs=8 then SetValue(boxChosen,'icon,eight); clicked:=1; end;, viewClass: 74, flagIcon: BuildPictureViewSlot({ imageFile4: "flag.bmp", maskOption: 0}), iconToChangeTo: func(values) begin if values = nil then return bomb; if values = 0 then return nil; if values = 1 then return one; if values = 2 then return two; if values = 3 then return three; if values = 4 then return four; if values = 5 then return five; if values = 6 then return six; if values = 7 then return seven; if values = 8 then return eight; end;, debug: "Main", winTotal: nil, bombBoxes: nil, seven: BuildPictureViewSlot({ imageFile4: "seven.bmp", maskOption: 0}), startBomb: func(theBox) begin winTotal:=0; hasWon:=nil; randomBoxes:=clone(allBoxes); indexBox:=SetContains(randomBoxes,theBox); ArrayRemoveCount(randomBoxes,indexBox,1); for i:=1 to totalBombs do begin randomBox:=random(0,length(randomBoxes)-1); randomBoxes[randomBox].isBomb:=1; AddArraySlot(bombBoxes,randomBoxes[randomBox]); ArrayRemoveCount(randomBoxes,randomBox,1); end; AddArraySlot(randomBoxes,theBox); foreach allNewBox in randomBoxes do begin allNewBox.value:=:checkBoxValue(allNewBox); end; firstBox:=nil; end, bomb: BuildPictureViewSlot({ imageFile4: "bomb.bmp", maskOption: 0}) }; _view000 := /* child of Main */ {viewBounds: {left: -18, top: -18, right: -5, bottom: -5}, _proto: @163}; box55 := /* child of Main */ { buttonClickScript: func() begin if clicked = nil then begin if flagBomb or flagged then :checkflag(); else begin if firstBox then :startBomb(self); :changeBox(value,self); clicked:=1; end; flagBomb:=nil; :checkWin(); end; end;, viewBounds: {left: 75, top: 102, right: 91, bottom: 118}, viewFormat: 337, icon: BuildPictureViewSlot({ imageFile4: "back.bmp", maskOption: 0}), isBomb: nil, Next: , flagged: nil, clicked: nil, emptyNext: nil, value: nil, debug: "box55", _proto: @198 }; // View box55 is declared to Main box56 := /* child of Main */ { buttonClickScript: func() begin if clicked = nil then begin if flagBomb or flagged then :checkflag(); else begin if firstBox then :startBomb(self); :changeBox(value,self); clicked:=1; end; flagBomb:=nil; :checkWin(); end; end;, viewBounds: {left: 92, top: 102, right: 108, bottom: 118}, viewFormat: 337, icon: BuildPictureViewSlot({ imageFile4: "back.bmp", maskOption: 0}), isBomb: nil, Next: , flagged: nil, clicked: nil, emptyNext: nil, value: nil, debug: "box56", _proto: @198 }; // View box56 is declared to Main box54 := /* child of Main */ { buttonClickScript: func() begin if clicked = nil then begin if flagBomb or flagged then :checkflag(); else begin if firstBox then :startBomb(self); :changeBox(value,self); clicked:=1; end; flagBomb:=nil; :checkWin(); end; end;, viewBounds: {left: 58, top: 102, right: 74, bottom: 118}, viewFormat: 337, icon: BuildPictureViewSlot({ imageFile4: "back.bmp", maskOption: 0}), isBomb: nil, Next: , flagged: nil, clicked: nil, emptyNext: nil, value: nil, debug: "box54", _proto: @198 }; // View box54 is declared to Main box45 := /* child of Main */ { buttonClickScript: func() begin if clicked = nil then begin if flagBomb or flagged then :checkflag(); else begin if firstBox then :startBomb(self); :changeBox(value,self); clicked:=1; end; flagBomb:=nil; :checkWin(); end; end;, viewBounds: {left: 75, top: 119, right: 91, bottom: 135}, viewFormat: 337, icon: BuildPictureViewSlot({ imageFile4: "back.bmp", maskOption: 0}), isBomb: nil, Next: , flagged: nil, clicked: nil, emptyNext: nil, value: nil, debug: "box45", _proto: @198 }; // View box45 is declared to Main box46 := /* child of Main */ { buttonClickScript: func() begin if clicked = nil then begin if flagBomb or flagged then :checkflag(); else begin if firstBox then :startBomb(self); :changeBox(value,self); clicked:=1; end; flagBomb:=nil; :checkWin(); end; end;, viewBounds: {left: 92, top: 119, right: 108, bottom: 135}, viewFormat: 337, icon: BuildPictureViewSlot({ imageFile4: "back.bmp", maskOption: 0}), isBomb: nil, Next: , flagged: nil, clicked: nil, emptyNext: nil, value: nil, debug: "box46", _proto: @198 }; // View box46 is declared to Main box44 := /* child of Main */ { buttonClickScript: func() begin if clicked = nil then begin if flagBomb or flagged then :checkflag(); else begin if firstBox then :startBomb(self); :changeBox(value,self); clicked:=1; end; flagBomb:=nil; :checkWin(); end; end;, viewBounds: {left: 58, top: 119, right: 74, bottom: 135}, viewFormat: 337, icon: BuildPictureViewSlot({ imageFile4: "back.bmp", maskOption: 0}), isBomb: nil, Next: , flagged: nil, clicked: nil, emptyNext: nil, value: nil, debug: "box44", _proto: @198 }; // View box44 is declared to Main box65 := /* child of Main */ { buttonClickScript: func() begin if clicked = nil then begin if flagBomb or flagged then :checkflag(); else begin if firstBox then :startBomb(self); :changeBox(value,self); clicked:=1; end; flagBomb:=nil; :checkWin(); end; end;, viewBounds: {left: 75, top: 85, right: 91, bottom: 101}, viewFormat: 337, icon: BuildPictureViewSlot({ imageFile4: "back.bmp", maskOption: 0}), isBomb: nil, Next: , flagged: nil, clicked: nil, emptyNext: nil, value: nil, debug: "box65", _proto: @198 }; // View box65 is declared to Main box66 := /* child of Main */ { buttonClickScript: func() begin if clicked = nil then begin if flagBomb or flagged then :checkflag(); else begin if firstBox then :startBomb(self); :changeBox(value,self); clicked:=1; end; flagBomb:=nil; :checkWin(); end; end;, viewBounds: {left: 92, top: 85, right: 108, bottom: 101}, viewFormat: 337, icon: BuildPictureViewSlot({ imageFile4: "back.bmp", maskOption: 0}), isBomb: nil, Next: , flagged: nil, clicked: nil, emptyNext: nil, value: nil, debug: "box66", _proto: @198 }; // View box66 is declared to Main box64 := /* child of Main */ { buttonClickScript: func() begin if clicked = nil then begin if flagBomb or flagged then :checkflag(); else begin if firstBox then :startBomb(self); :changeBox(value,self); clicked:=1; end; flagBomb:=nil; :checkWin(); end; end;, viewBounds: {left: 58, top: 85, right: 74, bottom: 101}, viewFormat: 337, icon: BuildPictureViewSlot({ imageFile4: "back.bmp", maskOption: 0}), isBomb: nil, Next: , flagged: nil, clicked: nil, emptyNext: nil, value: nil, debug: "box64", _proto: @198 }; // View box64 is declared to Main start := /* child of Main */ {text: "Start", viewBounds: {left: 11, top: 191, right: 51, bottom: 204}, buttonClickScript: func() begin foreach emptyBox in allBoxes do begin flagsLeft:=totalBombs; SetValue(flagNumber,'text,NumberStr(flagsLeft)); emptyBox.flagged:=nil; emptyBox.isBomb:=nil; emptyBox.clicked:=nil; emptyBox.value:=nil; SetValue(emptyBox,'icon,back); end; firstBox:=1; flagBomb:=nil; end;, viewFormat: 67109457, viewFont: ROM_fontSystem9Bold, debug: "start" , _proto: @226 }; // View start is declared to Main flag := /* child of Main */ {text: "Flag", viewBounds: {left: 60, top: 191, right: 100, bottom: 204}, buttonClickScript: func() begin flagBomb:=1; end, viewFormat: 67109457, viewFont: ROM_fontSystem9Bold, debug: "flag", _proto: @226 }; // View flag is declared to Main box58 := /* child of Main */ { buttonClickScript: func() begin if clicked = nil then begin if flagBomb or flagged then :checkflag(); else begin if firstBox then :startBomb(self); :changeBox(value,self); clicked:=1; end; flagBomb:=nil; :checkWin(); end; end;, viewBounds: {left: 126, top: 102, right: 142, bottom: 118}, viewFormat: 337, icon: BuildPictureViewSlot({ imageFile4: "back.bmp", maskOption: 0}), isBomb: nil, Next: , flagged: nil, clicked: nil, emptyNext: nil, value: nil, debug: "box58", _proto: @198 }; // View box58 is declared to Main box59 := /* child of Main */ { buttonClickScript: func() begin if clicked = nil then begin if flagBomb or flagged then :checkflag(); else begin if firstBox then :startBomb(self); :changeBox(value,self); clicked:=1; end; flagBomb:=nil; :checkWin(); end; end;, viewBounds: {left: 143, top: 102, right: 159, bottom: 118}, viewFormat: 337, icon: BuildPictureViewSlot({ imageFile4: "back.bmp", maskOption: 0}), isBomb: nil, Next: , flagged: nil, clicked: nil, emptyNext: nil, value: nil, debug: "box59", _proto: @198 }; // View box59 is declared to Main box57 := /* child of Main */ { buttonClickScript: func() begin if clicked = nil then begin if flagBomb or flagged then :checkflag(); else begin if firstBox then :startBomb(self); :changeBox(value,self); clicked:=1; end; flagBomb:=nil; :checkWin(); end; end;, viewBounds: {left: 109, top: 102, right: 125, bottom: 118}, viewFormat: 337, icon: BuildPictureViewSlot({ imageFile4: "back.bmp", maskOption: 0}), isBomb: nil, Next: , flagged: nil, clicked: nil, emptyNext: nil, value: nil, debug: "box57", _proto: @198 }; // View box57 is declared to Main box48 := /* child of Main */ { buttonClickScript: func() begin if clicked = nil then begin if flagBomb or flagged then :checkflag(); else begin if firstBox then :startBomb(self); :changeBox(value,self); clicked:=1; end; flagBomb:=nil; :checkWin(); end; end;, viewBounds: {left: 126, top: 119, right: 142, bottom: 135}, viewFormat: 337, icon: BuildPictureViewSlot({ imageFile4: "back.bmp", maskOption: 0}), isBomb: nil, Next: , flagged: nil, clicked: nil, emptyNext: nil, value: nil, debug: "box48", _proto: @198 }; // View box48 is declared to Main box49 := /* child of Main */ { buttonClickScript: func() begin if clicked = nil then begin if flagBomb or flagged then :checkflag(); else begin if firstBox then :startBomb(self); :changeBox(value,self); clicked:=1; end; flagBomb:=nil; :checkWin(); end; end;, viewBounds: {left: 143, top: 119, right: 159, bottom: 135}, viewFormat: 337, icon: BuildPictureViewSlot({ imageFile4: "back.bmp", maskOption: 0}), isBomb: nil, Next: , flagged: nil, clicked: nil, emptyNext: nil, value: nil, debug: "box49", _proto: @198 }; // View box49 is declared to Main box47 := /* child of Main */ { buttonClickScript: func() begin if clicked = nil then begin if flagBomb or flagged then :checkflag(); else begin if firstBox then :startBomb(self); :changeBox(value,self); clicked:=1; end; flagBomb:=nil; :checkWin(); end; end;, viewBounds: {left: 109, top: 119, right: 125, bottom: 135}, viewFormat: 337, icon: BuildPictureViewSlot({ imageFile4: "back.bmp", maskOption: 0}), isBomb: nil, Next: , flagged: nil, clicked: nil, emptyNext: nil, value: nil, debug: "box47", _proto: @198 }; // View box47 is declared to Main box68 := /* child of Main */ { buttonClickScript: func() begin if clicked = nil then begin if flagBomb or flagged then :checkflag(); else begin if firstBox then :startBomb(self); :changeBox(value,self); clicked:=1; end; flagBomb:=nil; :checkWin(); end; end;, viewBounds: {left: 126, top: 85, right: 142, bottom: 101}, viewFormat: 337, icon: BuildPictureViewSlot({ imageFile4: "back.bmp", maskOption: 0}), isBomb: nil, Next: , flagged: nil, clicked: nil, emptyNext: nil, value: nil, debug: "box68", _proto: @198 }; // View box68 is declared to Main box69 := /* child of Main */ { buttonClickScript: func() begin if clicked = nil then begin if flagBomb or flagged then :checkflag(); else begin if firstBox then :startBomb(self); :changeBox(value,self); clicked:=1; end; flagBomb:=nil; :checkWin(); end; end;, viewBounds: {left: 143, top: 85, right: 159, bottom: 101}, viewFormat: 337, icon: BuildPictureViewSlot({ imageFile4: "back.bmp", maskOption: 0}), isBomb: nil, Next: , flagged: nil, clicked: nil, emptyNext: nil, value: nil, debug: "box69", _proto: @198 }; // View box69 is declared to Main box67 := /* child of Main */ { buttonClickScript: func() begin if clicked = nil then begin if flagBomb or flagged then :checkflag(); else begin if firstBox then :startBomb(self); :changeBox(value,self); clicked:=1; end; flagBomb:=nil; :checkWin(); end; end;, viewBounds: {left: 109, top: 85, right: 125, bottom: 101}, viewFormat: 337, icon: BuildPictureViewSlot({ imageFile4: "back.bmp", maskOption: 0}), isBomb: nil, Next: , flagged: nil, clicked: nil, emptyNext: nil, value: nil, debug: "box67", _proto: @198 }; // View box67 is declared to Main box52 := /* child of Main */ { buttonClickScript: func() begin if clicked = nil then begin if flagBomb or flagged then :checkflag(); else begin if firstBox then :startBomb(self); :changeBox(value,self); clicked:=1; end; flagBomb:=nil; :checkWin(); end; end;, viewBounds: {left: 24, top: 102, right: 40, bottom: 118}, viewFormat: 337, icon: BuildPictureViewSlot({ imageFile4: "back.bmp", maskOption: 0}), isBomb: nil, Next: , flagged: nil, clicked: nil, emptyNext: nil, value: nil, debug: "box52", _proto: @198 }; // View box52 is declared to Main box53 := /* child of Main */ { buttonClickScript: func() begin if clicked = nil then begin if flagBomb or flagged then :checkflag(); else begin if firstBox then :startBomb(self); :changeBox(value,self); clicked:=1; end; flagBomb:=nil; :checkWin(); end; end;, viewBounds: {left: 41, top: 102, right: 57, bottom: 118}, viewFormat: 337, icon: BuildPictureViewSlot({ imageFile4: "back.bmp", maskOption: 0}), isBomb: nil, Next: , flagged: nil, clicked: nil, emptyNext: nil, value: nil, debug: "box53", _proto: @198 }; // View box53 is declared to Main box51 := /* child of Main */ { buttonClickScript: func() begin if clicked = nil then begin if flagBomb or flagged then :checkflag(); else begin if firstBox then :startBomb(self); :changeBox(value,self); clicked:=1; end; flagBomb:=nil; :checkWin(); end; end;, viewBounds: {left: 7, top: 102, right: 23, bottom: 118}, viewFormat: 337, icon: BuildPictureViewSlot({ imageFile4: "back.bmp", maskOption: 0}), isBomb: nil, Next: , flagged: nil, clicked: nil, emptyNext: nil, value: nil, debug: "box51", _proto: @198 }; // View box51 is declared to Main box42 := /* child of Main */ { buttonClickScript: func() begin if clicked = nil then begin if flagBomb or flagged then :checkflag(); else begin if firstBox then :startBomb(self); :changeBox(value,self); clicked:=1; end; flagBomb:=nil; :checkWin(); end; end;, viewBounds: {left: 24, top: 119, right: 40, bottom: 135}, viewFormat: 337, icon: BuildPictureViewSlot({ imageFile4: "back.bmp", maskOption: 0}), isBomb: nil, Next: , flagged: nil, clicked: nil, emptyNext: nil, value: nil, debug: "box42", _proto: @198 }; // View box42 is declared to Main box43 := /* child of Main */ { buttonClickScript: func() begin if clicked = nil then begin if flagBomb or flagged then :checkflag(); else begin if firstBox then :startBomb(self); :changeBox(value,self); clicked:=1; end; flagBomb:=nil; :checkWin(); end; end;, viewBounds: {left: 41, top: 119, right: 57, bottom: 135}, viewFormat: 337, icon: BuildPictureViewSlot({ imageFile4: "back.bmp", maskOption: 0}), isBomb: nil, Next: , flagged: nil, clicked: nil, emptyNext: nil, value: nil, debug: "box43", _proto: @198 }; // View box43 is declared to Main box41 := /* child of Main */ { buttonClickScript: func() begin if clicked = nil then begin if flagBomb or flagged then :checkflag(); else begin if firstBox then :startBomb(self); :changeBox(value,self); clicked:=1; end; flagBomb:=nil; :checkWin(); end; end;, viewBounds: {left: 7, top: 119, right: 23, bottom: 135}, viewFormat: 337, icon: BuildPictureViewSlot({ imageFile4: "back.bmp", maskOption: 0}), isBomb: nil, Next: , flagged: nil, clicked: nil, emptyNext: nil, value: nil, debug: "box41", _proto: @198 }; // View box41 is declared to Main box62 := /* child of Main */ { buttonClickScript: func() begin if clicked = nil then begin if flagBomb or flagged then :checkflag(); else begin if firstBox then :startBomb(self); :changeBox(value,self); clicked:=1; end; flagBomb:=nil; :checkWin(); end; end;, viewBounds: {left: 24, top: 85, right: 40, bottom: 101}, viewFormat: 337, icon: BuildPictureViewSlot({ imageFile4: "back.bmp", maskOption: 0}), isBomb: nil, Next: , flagged: nil, clicked: nil, emptyNext: nil, value: nil, debug: "box62", _proto: @198 }; // View box62 is declared to Main box63 := /* child of Main */ { buttonClickScript: func() begin if clicked = nil then begin if flagBomb or flagged then :checkflag(); else begin if firstBox then :startBomb(self); :changeBox(value,self); clicked:=1; end; flagBomb:=nil; :checkWin(); end; end;, viewBounds: {left: 41, top: 85, right: 57, bottom: 101}, viewFormat: 337, icon: BuildPictureViewSlot({ imageFile4: "back.bmp", maskOption: 0}), isBomb: nil, Next: , flagged: nil, clicked: nil, emptyNext: nil, value: nil, debug: "box63", _proto: @198 }; // View box63 is declared to Main box61 := /* child of Main */ { buttonClickScript: func() begin if clicked = nil then begin if flagBomb or flagged then :checkflag(); else begin if firstBox then :startBomb(self); :changeBox(value,self); clicked:=1; end; flagBomb:=nil; :checkWin(); end; end;, viewBounds: {left: 7, top: 85, right: 23, bottom: 101}, viewFormat: 337, icon: BuildPictureViewSlot({ imageFile4: "back.bmp", maskOption: 0}), isBomb: nil, Next: , flagged: nil, clicked: nil, emptyNext: nil, value: nil, debug: "box61", _proto: @198 }; // View box61 is declared to Main box75 := /* child of Main */ { buttonClickScript: func() begin if clicked = nil then begin if flagBomb or flagged then :checkflag(); else begin if firstBox then :startBomb(self); :changeBox(value,self); clicked:=1; end; flagBomb:=nil; :checkWin(); end; end;, viewBounds: {left: 75, top: 68, right: 91, bottom: 84}, viewFormat: 337, icon: BuildPictureViewSlot({ imageFile4: "back.bmp", maskOption: 0}), isBomb: nil, Next: , flagged: nil, clicked: nil, emptyNext: nil, value: nil, debug: "box75", _proto: @198 }; // View box75 is declared to Main box76 := /* child of Main */ { buttonClickScript: func() begin if clicked = nil then begin if flagBomb or flagged then :checkflag(); else begin if firstBox then :startBomb(self); :changeBox(value,self); clicked:=1; end; flagBomb:=nil; :checkWin(); end; end;, viewBounds: {left: 92, top: 68, right: 108, bottom: 84}, viewFormat: 337, icon: BuildPictureViewSlot({ imageFile4: "back.bmp", maskOption: 0}), isBomb: nil, Next: , flagged: nil, clicked: nil, emptyNext: nil, value: nil, debug: "box76", _proto: @198 }; // View box76 is declared to Main box74 := /* child of Main */ { buttonClickScript: func() begin if clicked = nil then begin if flagBomb or flagged then :checkflag(); else begin if firstBox then :startBomb(self); :changeBox(value,self); clicked:=1; end; flagBomb:=nil; :checkWin(); end; end;, viewBounds: {left: 58, top: 68, right: 74, bottom: 84}, viewFormat: 337, icon: BuildPictureViewSlot({ imageFile4: "back.bmp", maskOption: 0}), isBomb: nil, Next: , flagged: nil, clicked: nil, emptyNext: nil, value: nil, debug: "box74", _proto: @198 }; // View box74 is declared to Main box78 := /* child of Main */ { buttonClickScript: func() begin if clicked = nil then begin if flagBomb or flagged then :checkflag(); else begin if firstBox then :startBomb(self); :changeBox(value,self); clicked:=1; end; flagBomb:=nil; :checkWin(); end; end;, viewBounds: {left: 126, top: 68, right: 142, bottom: 84}, viewFormat: 337, icon: BuildPictureViewSlot({ imageFile4: "back.bmp", maskOption: 0}), isBomb: nil, Next: , flagged: nil, clicked: nil, emptyNext: nil, value: nil, debug: "box78", _proto: @198 }; // View box78 is declared to Main box79 := /* child of Main */ { buttonClickScript: func() begin if clicked = nil then begin if flagBomb or flagged then :checkflag(); else begin if firstBox then :startBomb(self); :changeBox(value,self); clicked:=1; end; flagBomb:=nil; :checkWin(); end; end;, viewBounds: {left: 143, top: 68, right: 159, bottom: 84}, viewFormat: 337, icon: BuildPictureViewSlot({ imageFile4: "back.bmp", maskOption: 0}), isBomb: nil, Next: , flagged: nil, clicked: nil, emptyNext: nil, value: nil, debug: "box79", _proto: @198 }; // View box79 is declared to Main box77 := /* child of Main */ { buttonClickScript: func() begin if clicked = nil then begin if flagBomb or flagged then :checkflag(); else begin if firstBox then :startBomb(self); :changeBox(value,self); clicked:=1; end; flagBomb:=nil; :checkWin(); end; end;, viewBounds: {left: 109, top: 68, right: 125, bottom: 84}, viewFormat: 337, icon: BuildPictureViewSlot({ imageFile4: "back.bmp", maskOption: 0}), isBomb: nil, Next: , flagged: nil, clicked: nil, emptyNext: nil, value: nil, debug: "box77", _proto: @198 }; // View box77 is declared to Main box72 := /* child of Main */ { buttonClickScript: func() begin if clicked = nil then begin if flagBomb or flagged then :checkflag(); else begin if firstBox then :startBomb(self); :changeBox(value,self); clicked:=1; end; flagBomb:=nil; :checkWin(); end; end;, viewBounds: {left: 24, top: 68, right: 40, bottom: 84}, viewFormat: 337, icon: BuildPictureViewSlot({ imageFile4: "back.bmp", maskOption: 0}), isBomb: nil, Next: , flagged: nil, clicked: nil, emptyNext: nil, value: nil, debug: "box72", _proto: @198 }; // View box72 is declared to Main box73 := /* child of Main */ { buttonClickScript: func() begin if clicked = nil then begin if flagBomb or flagged then :checkflag(); else begin if firstBox then :startBomb(self); :changeBox(value,self); clicked:=1; end; flagBomb:=nil; :checkWin(); end; end;, viewBounds: {left: 41, top: 68, right: 57, bottom: 84}, viewFormat: 337, icon: BuildPictureViewSlot({ imageFile4: "back.bmp", maskOption: 0}), isBomb: nil, Next: , flagged: nil, clicked: nil, emptyNext: nil, value: nil, debug: "box73", _proto: @198 }; // View box73 is declared to Main box71 := /* child of Main */ { buttonClickScript: func() begin if clicked = nil then begin if flagBomb or flagged then :checkflag(); else begin if firstBox then :startBomb(self); :changeBox(value,self); clicked:=1; end; flagBomb:=nil; :checkWin(); end; end;, viewBounds: {left: 7, top: 68, right: 23, bottom: 84}, viewFormat: 337, icon: BuildPictureViewSlot({ imageFile4: "back.bmp", maskOption: 0}), isBomb: nil, Next: , flagged: nil, clicked: nil, emptyNext: nil, value: nil, debug: "box71", _proto: @198 }; // View box71 is declared to Main box85 := /* child of Main */ { buttonClickScript: func() begin if clicked = nil then begin if flagBomb or flagged then :checkflag(); else begin if firstBox then :startBomb(self); :changeBox(value,self); clicked:=1; end; flagBomb:=nil; :checkWin(); end; end;, viewBounds: {left: 75, top: 51, right: 91, bottom: 67}, viewFormat: 337, icon: BuildPictureViewSlot({ imageFile4: "back.bmp", maskOption: 0}), isBomb: nil, Next: , flagged: nil, clicked: nil, emptyNext: nil, value: nil, debug: "box85", _proto: @198 }; // View box85 is declared to Main box86 := /* child of Main */ { buttonClickScript: func() begin if clicked = nil then begin if flagBomb or flagged then :checkflag(); else begin if firstBox then :startBomb(self); :changeBox(value,self); clicked:=1; end; flagBomb:=nil; :checkWin(); end; end;, viewBounds: {left: 92, top: 51, right: 108, bottom: 67}, viewFormat: 337, icon: BuildPictureViewSlot({ imageFile4: "back.bmp", maskOption: 0}), isBomb: nil, Next: , flagged: nil, clicked: nil, emptyNext: nil, value: nil, debug: "box86", _proto: @198 }; // View box86 is declared to Main box84 := /* child of Main */ { buttonClickScript: func() begin if clicked = nil then begin if flagBomb or flagged then :checkflag(); else begin if firstBox then :startBomb(self); :changeBox(value,self); clicked:=1; end; flagBomb:=nil; :checkWin(); end; end;, viewBounds: {left: 58, top: 51, right: 74, bottom: 67}, viewFormat: 337, icon: BuildPictureViewSlot({ imageFile4: "back.bmp", maskOption: 0}), isBomb: nil, Next: , flagged: nil, clicked: nil, emptyNext: nil, value: nil, debug: "box84", _proto: @198 }; // View box84 is declared to Main box88 := /* child of Main */ { buttonClickScript: func() begin if clicked = nil then begin if flagBomb or flagged then :checkflag(); else begin if firstBox then :startBomb(self); :changeBox(value,self); clicked:=1; end; flagBomb:=nil; :checkWin(); end; end;, viewBounds: {left: 126, top: 51, right: 142, bottom: 67}, viewFormat: 337, icon: BuildPictureViewSlot({ imageFile4: "back.bmp", maskOption: 0}), isBomb: nil, Next: , flagged: nil, clicked: nil, emptyNext: nil, value: nil, debug: "box88", _proto: @198 }; // View box88 is declared to Main box89 := /* child of Main */ { buttonClickScript: func() begin if clicked = nil then begin if flagBomb or flagged then :checkflag(); else begin if firstBox then :startBomb(self); :changeBox(value,self); clicked:=1; end; flagBomb:=nil; :checkWin(); end; end;, viewBounds: {left: 143, top: 51, right: 159, bottom: 67}, viewFormat: 337, icon: BuildPictureViewSlot({ imageFile4: "back.bmp", maskOption: 0}), isBomb: nil, Next: , flagged: nil, clicked: nil, emptyNext: nil, value: nil, debug: "box89", _proto: @198 }; // View box89 is declared to Main box87 := /* child of Main */ { buttonClickScript: func() begin if clicked = nil then begin if flagBomb or flagged then :checkflag(); else begin if firstBox then :startBomb(self); :changeBox(value,self); clicked:=1; end; flagBomb:=nil; :checkWin(); end; end;, viewBounds: {left: 109, top: 51, right: 125, bottom: 67}, viewFormat: 337, icon: BuildPictureViewSlot({ imageFile4: "back.bmp", maskOption: 0}), isBomb: nil, Next: , flagged: nil, clicked: nil, emptyNext: nil, value: nil, debug: "box87", _proto: @198 }; // View box87 is declared to Main box82 := /* child of Main */ { buttonClickScript: func() begin if clicked = nil then begin if flagBomb or flagged then :checkflag(); else begin if firstBox then :startBomb(self); :changeBox(value,self); clicked:=1; end; flagBomb:=nil; :checkWin(); end; end;, viewBounds: {left: 24, top: 51, right: 40, bottom: 67}, viewFormat: 337, icon: BuildPictureViewSlot({ imageFile4: "back.bmp", maskOption: 0}), isBomb: nil, Next: , flagged: nil, clicked: nil, emptyNext: nil, value: nil, debug: "box82", _proto: @198 }; // View box82 is declared to Main box83 := /* child of Main */ { buttonClickScript: func() begin if clicked = nil then begin if flagBomb or flagged then :checkflag(); else begin if firstBox then :startBomb(self); :changeBox(value,self); clicked:=1; end; flagBomb:=nil; :checkWin(); end; end;, viewBounds: {left: 41, top: 51, right: 57, bottom: 67}, viewFormat: 337, icon: BuildPictureViewSlot({ imageFile4: "back.bmp", maskOption: 0}), isBomb: nil, Next: , flagged: nil, clicked: nil, emptyNext: nil, value: nil, debug: "box83", _proto: @198 }; // View box83 is declared to Main box81 := /* child of Main */ { buttonClickScript: func() begin if clicked = nil then begin if flagBomb or flagged then :checkflag(); else begin if firstBox then :startBomb(self); :changeBox(value,self); clicked:=1; end; flagBomb:=nil; :checkWin(); end; end;, viewBounds: {left: 7, top: 51, right: 23, bottom: 67}, viewFormat: 337, icon: BuildPictureViewSlot({ imageFile4: "back.bmp", maskOption: 0}), isBomb: nil, Next: , flagged: nil, clicked: nil, emptyNext: nil, value: nil, debug: "box81", _proto: @198 }; // View box81 is declared to Main box95 := /* child of Main */ { buttonClickScript: func() begin if clicked = nil then begin if flagBomb or flagged then :checkflag(); else begin if firstBox then :startBomb(self); :changeBox(value,self); clicked:=1; end; flagBomb:=nil; :checkWin(); end; end;, viewBounds: {left: 75, top: 34, right: 91, bottom: 50}, viewFormat: 337, icon: BuildPictureViewSlot({ imageFile4: "back.bmp", maskOption: 0}), isBomb: nil, Next: , flagged: nil, clicked: nil, emptyNext: nil, value: nil, debug: "box95", _proto: @198 }; // View box95 is declared to Main box96 := /* child of Main */ { buttonClickScript: func() begin if clicked = nil then begin if flagBomb or flagged then :checkflag(); else begin if firstBox then :startBomb(self); :changeBox(value,self); clicked:=1; end; flagBomb:=nil; :checkWin(); end; end;, viewBounds: {left: 92, top: 34, right: 108, bottom: 50}, viewFormat: 337, icon: BuildPictureViewSlot({ imageFile4: "back.bmp", maskOption: 0}), isBomb: nil, Next: , flagged: nil, clicked: nil, emptyNext: nil, value: nil, debug: "box96", _proto: @198 }; // View box96 is declared to Main box94 := /* child of Main */ { buttonClickScript: func() begin if clicked = nil then begin if flagBomb or flagged then :checkflag(); else begin if firstBox then :startBomb(self); :changeBox(value,self); clicked:=1; end; flagBomb:=nil; :checkWin(); end; end;, viewBounds: {left: 58, top: 34, right: 74, bottom: 50}, viewFormat: 337, icon: BuildPictureViewSlot({ imageFile4: "back.bmp", maskOption: 0}), isBomb: nil, Next: , flagged: nil, clicked: nil, emptyNext: nil, value: nil, debug: "box94", _proto: @198 }; // View box94 is declared to Main box98 := /* child of Main */ { buttonClickScript: func() begin if clicked = nil then begin if flagBomb or flagged then :checkflag(); else begin if firstBox then :startBomb(self); :changeBox(value,self); clicked:=1; end; flagBomb:=nil; :checkWin(); end; end;, viewBounds: {left: 126, top: 34, right: 142, bottom: 50}, viewFormat: 337, icon: BuildPictureViewSlot({ imageFile4: "back.bmp", maskOption: 0}), isBomb: nil, Next: , flagged: nil, clicked: nil, emptyNext: nil, value: nil, debug: "box98", _proto: @198 }; // View box98 is declared to Main box99 := /* child of Main */ { buttonClickScript: func() begin if clicked = nil then begin if flagBomb or flagged then :checkflag(); else begin if firstBox then :startBomb(self); :changeBox(value,self); clicked:=1; end; flagBomb:=nil; :checkWin(); end; end;, viewBounds: {left: 143, top: 34, right: 159, bottom: 50}, viewFormat: 337, icon: BuildPictureViewSlot({ imageFile4: "back.bmp", maskOption: 0}), isBomb: nil, Next: , flagged: nil, clicked: nil, emptyNext: nil, value: nil, debug: "box99", _proto: @198 }; // View box99 is declared to Main box97 := /* child of Main */ { buttonClickScript: func() begin if clicked = nil then begin if flagBomb or flagged then :checkflag(); else begin if firstBox then :startBomb(self); :changeBox(value,self); clicked:=1; end; flagBomb:=nil; :checkWin(); end; end;, viewBounds: {left: 109, top: 34, right: 125, bottom: 50}, viewFormat: 337, icon: BuildPictureViewSlot({ imageFile4: "back.bmp", maskOption: 0}), isBomb: nil, Next: , flagged: nil, clicked: nil, emptyNext: nil, value: nil, debug: "box97", _proto: @198 }; // View box97 is declared to Main box92 := /* child of Main */ { buttonClickScript: func() begin if clicked = nil then begin if flagBomb or flagged then :checkflag(); else begin if firstBox then :startBomb(self); :changeBox(value,self); clicked:=1; end; flagBomb:=nil; :checkWin(); end; end;, viewBounds: {left: 24, top: 34, right: 40, bottom: 50}, viewFormat: 337, icon: BuildPictureViewSlot({ imageFile4: "back.bmp", maskOption: 0}), isBomb: nil, Next: , flagged: nil, clicked: nil, emptyNext: nil, value: nil, debug: "box92", _proto: @198 }; // View box92 is declared to Main box93 := /* child of Main */ { buttonClickScript: func() begin if clicked = nil then begin if flagBomb or flagged then :checkflag(); else begin if firstBox then :startBomb(self); :changeBox(value,self); clicked:=1; end; flagBomb:=nil; :checkWin(); end; end;, viewBounds: {left: 41, top: 34, right: 57, bottom: 50}, viewFormat: 337, icon: BuildPictureViewSlot({ imageFile4: "back.bmp", maskOption: 0}), isBomb: nil, Next: , flagged: nil, clicked: nil, emptyNext: nil, value: nil, debug: "box93", _proto: @198 }; // View box93 is declared to Main box91 := /* child of Main */ { buttonClickScript: func() begin if clicked = nil then begin if flagBomb or flagged then :checkflag(); else begin if firstBox then :startBomb(self); :changeBox(value,self); clicked:=1; end; flagBomb:=nil; :checkWin(); end; end;, viewBounds: {left: 7, top: 34, right: 23, bottom: 50}, viewFormat: 337, icon: BuildPictureViewSlot({ imageFile4: "back.bmp", maskOption: 0}), isBomb: nil, Next: , flagged: nil, clicked: nil, emptyNext: nil, value: nil, debug: "box91", _proto: @198 }; // View box91 is declared to Main box35 := /* child of Main */ { buttonClickScript: func() begin if clicked = nil then begin if flagBomb or flagged then :checkflag(); else begin if firstBox then :startBomb(self); :changeBox(value,self); clicked:=1; end; flagBomb:=nil; :checkWin(); end; end;, viewBounds: {left: 75, top: 136, right: 91, bottom: 152}, viewFormat: 337, icon: BuildPictureViewSlot({ imageFile4: "back.bmp", maskOption: 0}), isBomb: nil, Next: , flagged: nil, clicked: nil, emptyNext: nil, value: nil, debug: "box35", _proto: @198 }; // View box35 is declared to Main box36 := /* child of Main */ { buttonClickScript: func() begin if clicked = nil then begin if flagBomb or flagged then :checkflag(); else begin if firstBox then :startBomb(self); :changeBox(value,self); clicked:=1; end; flagBomb:=nil; :checkWin(); end; end;, viewBounds: {left: 92, top: 136, right: 108, bottom: 152}, viewFormat: 337, icon: BuildPictureViewSlot({ imageFile4: "back.bmp", maskOption: 0}), isBomb: nil, Next: , flagged: nil, clicked: nil, emptyNext: nil, value: nil, debug: "box36", _proto: @198 }; // View box36 is declared to Main box34 := /* child of Main */ { buttonClickScript: func() begin if clicked = nil then begin if flagBomb or flagged then :checkflag(); else begin if firstBox then :startBomb(self); :changeBox(value,self); clicked:=1; end; flagBomb:=nil; :checkWin(); end; end;, viewBounds: {left: 58, top: 136, right: 74, bottom: 152}, viewFormat: 337, icon: BuildPictureViewSlot({ imageFile4: "back.bmp", maskOption: 0}), isBomb: nil, Next: , flagged: nil, clicked: nil, emptyNext: nil, value: nil, debug: "box34", _proto: @198 }; // View box34 is declared to Main box38 := /* child of Main */ { buttonClickScript: func() begin if clicked = nil then begin if flagBomb or flagged then :checkflag(); else begin if firstBox then :startBomb(self); :changeBox(value,self); clicked:=1; end; flagBomb:=nil; :checkWin(); end; end;, viewBounds: {left: 126, top: 136, right: 142, bottom: 152}, viewFormat: 337, icon: BuildPictureViewSlot({ imageFile4: "back.bmp", maskOption: 0}), isBomb: nil, Next: , flagged: nil, clicked: nil, emptyNext: nil, value: nil, debug: "box38", _proto: @198 }; // View box38 is declared to Main box39 := /* child of Main */ { buttonClickScript: func() begin if clicked = nil then begin if flagBomb or flagged then :checkflag(); else begin if firstBox then :startBomb(self); :changeBox(value,self); clicked:=1; end; flagBomb:=nil; :checkWin(); end; end;, viewBounds: {left: 143, top: 136, right: 159, bottom: 152}, viewFormat: 337, icon: BuildPictureViewSlot({ imageFile4: "back.bmp", maskOption: 0}), isBomb: nil, Next: , flagged: nil, clicked: nil, emptyNext: nil, value: nil, debug: "box39", _proto: @198 }; // View box39 is declared to Main box37 := /* child of Main */ { buttonClickScript: func() begin if clicked = nil then begin if flagBomb or flagged then :checkflag(); else begin if firstBox then :startBomb(self); :changeBox(value,self); clicked:=1; end; flagBomb:=nil; :checkWin(); end; end;, viewBounds: {left: 109, top: 136, right: 125, bottom: 152}, viewFormat: 337, icon: BuildPictureViewSlot({ imageFile4: "back.bmp", maskOption: 0}), isBomb: nil, Next: , flagged: nil, clicked: nil, emptyNext: nil, value: nil, debug: "box37", _proto: @198 }; // View box37 is declared to Main box32 := /* child of Main */ { buttonClickScript: func() begin if clicked = nil then begin if flagBomb or flagged then :checkflag(); else begin if firstBox then :startBomb(self); :changeBox(value,self); clicked:=1; end; flagBomb:=nil; :checkWin(); end; end;, viewBounds: {left: 24, top: 136, right: 40, bottom: 152}, viewFormat: 337, icon: BuildPictureViewSlot({ imageFile4: "back.bmp", maskOption: 0}), isBomb: nil, Next: , flagged: nil, clicked: nil, emptyNext: nil, value: nil, debug: "box32", _proto: @198 }; // View box32 is declared to Main box33 := /* child of Main */ { buttonClickScript: func() begin if clicked = nil then begin if flagBomb or flagged then :checkflag(); else begin if firstBox then :startBomb(self); :changeBox(value,self); clicked:=1; end; flagBomb:=nil; :checkWin(); end; end;, viewBounds: {left: 41, top: 136, right: 57, bottom: 152}, viewFormat: 337, icon: BuildPictureViewSlot({ imageFile4: "back.bmp", maskOption: 0}), isBomb: nil, Next: , flagged: nil, clicked: nil, emptyNext: nil, value: nil, debug: "box33", _proto: @198 }; // View box33 is declared to Main box31 := /* child of Main */ { buttonClickScript: func() begin if clicked = nil then begin if flagBomb or flagged then :checkflag(); else begin if firstBox then :startBomb(self); :changeBox(value,self); clicked:=1; end; flagBomb:=nil; :checkWin(); end; end;, viewBounds: {left: 7, top: 136, right: 23, bottom: 152}, viewFormat: 337, icon: BuildPictureViewSlot({ imageFile4: "back.bmp", maskOption: 0}), isBomb: nil, Next: , flagged: nil, clicked: nil, emptyNext: nil, value: nil, debug: "box31", _proto: @198 }; // View box31 is declared to Main box25 := /* child of Main */ { buttonClickScript: func() begin if clicked = nil then begin if flagBomb or flagged then :checkflag(); else begin if firstBox then :startBomb(self); :changeBox(value,self); clicked:=1; end; flagBomb:=nil; :checkWin(); end; end;, viewBounds: {left: 75, top: 153, right: 91, bottom: 169}, viewFormat: 337, icon: BuildPictureViewSlot({ imageFile4: "back.bmp", maskOption: 0}), isBomb: nil, Next: , flagged: nil, clicked: nil, emptyNext: nil, value: nil, debug: "box25", _proto: @198 }; // View box25 is declared to Main box26 := /* child of Main */ { buttonClickScript: func() begin if clicked = nil then begin if flagBomb or flagged then :checkflag(); else begin if firstBox then :startBomb(self); :changeBox(value,self); clicked:=1; end; flagBomb:=nil; :checkWin(); end; end;, viewBounds: {left: 92, top: 153, right: 108, bottom: 169}, viewFormat: 337, icon: BuildPictureViewSlot({ imageFile4: "back.bmp", maskOption: 0}), isBomb: nil, Next: , flagged: nil, clicked: nil, emptyNext: nil, value: nil, debug: "box26", _proto: @198 }; // View box26 is declared to Main box24 := /* child of Main */ { buttonClickScript: func() begin if clicked = nil then begin if flagBomb or flagged then :checkflag(); else begin if firstBox then :startBomb(self); :changeBox(value,self); clicked:=1; end; flagBomb:=nil; :checkWin(); end; end;, viewBounds: {left: 58, top: 153, right: 74, bottom: 169}, viewFormat: 337, icon: BuildPictureViewSlot({ imageFile4: "back.bmp", maskOption: 0}), isBomb: nil, Next: , flagged: nil, clicked: nil, emptyNext: nil, value: nil, debug: "box24", _proto: @198 }; // View box24 is declared to Main box28 := /* child of Main */ { buttonClickScript: func() begin if clicked = nil then begin if flagBomb or flagged then :checkflag(); else begin if firstBox then :startBomb(self); :changeBox(value,self); clicked:=1; end; flagBomb:=nil; :checkWin(); end; end;, viewBounds: {left: 126, top: 153, right: 142, bottom: 169}, viewFormat: 337, icon: BuildPictureViewSlot({ imageFile4: "back.bmp", maskOption: 0}), isBomb: nil, Next: , flagged: nil, clicked: nil, emptyNext: nil, value: nil, debug: "box28", _proto: @198 }; // View box28 is declared to Main box29 := /* child of Main */ { buttonClickScript: func() begin if clicked = nil then begin if flagBomb or flagged then :checkflag(); else begin if firstBox then :startBomb(self); :changeBox(value,self); clicked:=1; end; flagBomb:=nil; :checkWin(); end; end;, viewBounds: {left: 143, top: 153, right: 159, bottom: 169}, viewFormat: 337, icon: BuildPictureViewSlot({ imageFile4: "back.bmp", maskOption: 0}), isBomb: nil, Next: , flagged: nil, clicked: nil, emptyNext: nil, value: nil, debug: "box29", _proto: @198 }; // View box29 is declared to Main box27 := /* child of Main */ { buttonClickScript: func() begin if clicked = nil then begin if flagBomb or flagged then :checkflag(); else begin if firstBox then :startBomb(self); :changeBox(value,self); clicked:=1; end; flagBomb:=nil; :checkWin(); end; end;, viewBounds: {left: 109, top: 153, right: 125, bottom: 169}, viewFormat: 337, icon: BuildPictureViewSlot({ imageFile4: "back.bmp", maskOption: 0}), isBomb: nil, Next: , flagged: nil, clicked: nil, emptyNext: nil, value: nil, debug: "box27", _proto: @198 }; // View box27 is declared to Main box22 := /* child of Main */ { buttonClickScript: func() begin if clicked = nil then begin if flagBomb or flagged then :checkflag(); else begin if firstBox then :startBomb(self); :changeBox(value,self); clicked:=1; end; flagBomb:=nil; :checkWin(); end; end;, viewBounds: {left: 24, top: 153, right: 40, bottom: 169}, viewFormat: 337, icon: BuildPictureViewSlot({ imageFile4: "back.bmp", maskOption: 0}), isBomb: nil, Next: , flagged: nil, clicked: nil, emptyNext: nil, value: nil, debug: "box22", _proto: @198 }; // View box22 is declared to Main box23 := /* child of Main */ { buttonClickScript: func() begin if clicked = nil then begin if flagBomb or flagged then :checkflag(); else begin if firstBox then :startBomb(self); :changeBox(value,self); clicked:=1; end; flagBomb:=nil; :checkWin(); end; end;, viewBounds: {left: 41, top: 153, right: 57, bottom: 169}, viewFormat: 337, icon: BuildPictureViewSlot({ imageFile4: "back.bmp", maskOption: 0}), isBomb: nil, Next: , flagged: nil, clicked: nil, emptyNext: nil, value: nil, debug: "box23", _proto: @198 }; // View box23 is declared to Main box21 := /* child of Main */ { buttonClickScript: func() begin if clicked = nil then begin if flagBomb or flagged then :checkflag(); else begin if firstBox then :startBomb(self); :changeBox(value,self); clicked:=1; end; flagBomb:=nil; :checkWin(); end; end;, viewBounds: {left: 7, top: 153, right: 23, bottom: 169}, viewFormat: 337, icon: BuildPictureViewSlot({ imageFile4: "back.bmp", maskOption: 0}), isBomb: nil, Next: , flagged: nil, clicked: nil, emptyNext: nil, value: nil, debug: "box21", _proto: @198 }; // View box21 is declared to Main box15 := /* child of Main */ { buttonClickScript: func() begin if clicked = nil then begin if flagBomb or flagged then :checkflag(); else begin if firstBox then :startBomb(self); :changeBox(value,self); clicked:=1; end; flagBomb:=nil; :checkWin(); end; end;, viewBounds: {left: 75, top: 170, right: 91, bottom: 186}, viewFormat: 337, icon: BuildPictureViewSlot({ imageFile4: "back.bmp", maskOption: 0}), isBomb: nil, Next: , flagged: nil, clicked: nil, emptyNext: nil, value: nil, debug: "box15", _proto: @198 }; // View box15 is declared to Main box16 := /* child of Main */ { buttonClickScript: func() begin if clicked = nil then begin if flagBomb or flagged then :checkflag(); else begin if firstBox then :startBomb(self); :changeBox(value,self); clicked:=1; end; flagBomb:=nil; :checkWin(); end; end;, viewBounds: {left: 92, top: 170, right: 108, bottom: 186}, viewFormat: 337, icon: BuildPictureViewSlot({ imageFile4: "back.bmp", maskOption: 0}), isBomb: nil, Next: , flagged: nil, clicked: nil, emptyNext: nil, value: nil, debug: "box16", _proto: @198 }; // View box16 is declared to Main box14 := /* child of Main */ { buttonClickScript: func() begin if clicked = nil then begin if flagBomb or flagged then :checkflag(); else begin if firstBox then :startBomb(self); :changeBox(value,self); clicked:=1; end; flagBomb:=nil; :checkWin(); end; end;, viewBounds: {left: 58, top: 170, right: 74, bottom: 186}, viewFormat: 337, icon: BuildPictureViewSlot({ imageFile4: "back.bmp", maskOption: 0}), isBomb: nil, Next: , flagged: nil, clicked: nil, emptyNext: nil, value: nil, debug: "box14", _proto: @198 }; // View box14 is declared to Main box18 := /* child of Main */ { buttonClickScript: func() begin if clicked = nil then begin if flagBomb or flagged then :checkflag(); else begin if firstBox then :startBomb(self); :changeBox(value,self); clicked:=1; end; flagBomb:=nil; :checkWin(); end; end;, viewBounds: {left: 126, top: 170, right: 142, bottom: 186}, viewFormat: 337, icon: BuildPictureViewSlot({ imageFile4: "back.bmp", maskOption: 0}), isBomb: nil, Next: , flagged: nil, clicked: nil, emptyNext: nil, value: nil, debug: "box18", _proto: @198 }; // View box18 is declared to Main box19 := /* child of Main */ { buttonClickScript: func() begin if clicked = nil then begin if flagBomb or flagged then :checkflag(); else begin if firstBox then :startBomb(self); :changeBox(value,self); clicked:=1; end; flagBomb:=nil; :checkWin(); end; end;, viewBounds: {left: 143, top: 170, right: 159, bottom: 186}, viewFormat: 337, icon: BuildPictureViewSlot({ imageFile4: "back.bmp", maskOption: 0}), isBomb: nil, Next: , flagged: nil, clicked: nil, emptyNext: nil, value: nil, debug: "box19", _proto: @198 }; // View box19 is declared to Main box17 := /* child of Main */ { buttonClickScript: func() begin if clicked = nil then begin if flagBomb or flagged then :checkflag(); else begin if firstBox then :startBomb(self); :changeBox(value,self); clicked:=1; end; flagBomb:=nil; :checkWin(); end; end;, viewBounds: {left: 109, top: 170, right: 125, bottom: 186}, viewFormat: 337, icon: BuildPictureViewSlot({ imageFile4: "back.bmp", maskOption: 0}), isBomb: nil, Next: , flagged: nil, clicked: nil, emptyNext: nil, value: nil, debug: "box17", _proto: @198 }; // View box17 is declared to Main box12 := /* child of Main */ { buttonClickScript: func() begin if clicked = nil then begin if flagBomb or flagged then :checkflag(); else begin if firstBox then :startBomb(self); :changeBox(value,self); clicked:=1; end; flagBomb:=nil; :checkWin(); end; end;, viewBounds: {left: 24, top: 170, right: 40, bottom: 186}, viewFormat: 337, icon: BuildPictureViewSlot({ imageFile4: "back.bmp", maskOption: 0}), isBomb: nil, Next: , flagged: nil, clicked: nil, emptyNext: nil, value: nil, debug: "box12", _proto: @198 }; // View box12 is declared to Main box13 := /* child of Main */ { buttonClickScript: func() begin if clicked = nil then begin if flagBomb or flagged then :checkflag(); else begin if firstBox then :startBomb(self); :changeBox(value,self); clicked:=1; end; flagBomb:=nil; :checkWin(); end; end;, viewBounds: {left: 41, top: 170, right: 57, bottom: 186}, viewFormat: 337, icon: BuildPictureViewSlot({ imageFile4: "back.bmp", maskOption: 0}), isBomb: nil, Next: , flagged: nil, clicked: nil, emptyNext: nil, value: nil, debug: "box13", _proto: @198 }; // View box13 is declared to Main box11 := /* child of Main */ { buttonClickScript: func() begin if clicked = nil then begin if flagBomb or flagged then :checkflag(); else begin if firstBox then :startBomb(self); :changeBox(value,self); clicked:=1; end; flagBomb:=nil; :checkWin(); end; end;, viewBounds: {left: 7, top: 170, right: 23, bottom: 186}, viewFormat: 337, icon: BuildPictureViewSlot({ imageFile4: "back.bmp", maskOption: 0}), isBomb: nil, Next: , flagged: nil, clicked: nil, emptyNext: nil, value: nil, debug: "box11", _proto: @198 }; // View box11 is declared to Main title := /* child of Main */ {text: "Bombs Away", viewBounds: {left: 8, top: 4, right: 158, bottom: 29}, viewFont: ROM_fontSystem18Bold, viewJustify: 8388614, viewFormat: 67109457, debug: "title", _proto: @218 }; flagNumber := /* child of Main */ {text: "X", viewBounds: {left: 109, top: 191, right: 139, bottom: 204}, viewFont: ROM_fontSystem9Bold, viewJustify: 8388614, viewFormat: 67109457, debug: "flagNumber", _proto: @218 }; // View flagNumber is declared to Main endBox := /* child of Main */ {viewBounds: {left: 7, top: 70, right: 121, bottom: 114}, ViewSetupFormScript: // be sure to call inherited:?ViewSetupFormScript() func() begin if hasWon then SetValue(endText,'text,"You Win!"); else SetValue(endText,'text,"You Lose!"); inherited:?ViewSetupFormScript(); end, debug: "endBox", _proto: @180 }; // View endBox is declared to Main endText := /* child of endBox */ {text: nil, viewBounds: {left: 2, top: 2, right: 112, bottom: 32}, viewFont: ROM_fontSystem14Bold, viewJustify: 8388614, debug: "endText", _proto: @218 }; // View endText is declared to endBox constant |layout_bomb.lyt| := Main; // End of file bomb.lyt