Nokia Names ----------- Receive Vcards from Nokia Phones via IR port. Save them in Names Application. This program has been tested only with nokia models: - 8810 - 8850 If you can make it work with some other model, please, let me know. The use is very simple. When you launch the program, it starts receiving data. I think that the less buttons you have to touch, the faster it is. On the phone, when you have a name entry on display, push -options- then -send via IR-. It will last a few seconds. The Newton will beep when it´s done. And show you what has been received. Now you can save it and receive again, or disconnect. The names are always saved as ´person. If somebody wants to be able to change this, sugestions are welcome. The only problem I´ve seen is that, rigth after a soft Reset, the newton is not able to received anything but another newton´s beam. To Bypass this, start beaming a note and stop it. The program will work then. If you find any other bug please email me at: